Descubra Enrollment Card

Voice of Prophecy
Availability: In Stock

Descubra Bible Guides Enrollment Card 

These two-panel invitation cards are a perfect way to encourage your friends, family, and acquaintances to enroll in the Discover Bible School. These cards may be purchased with or without the VOP address.

Enrollments With Address: The benefit of these enrollments is that they display a PO BOX in Colorado. These cards arrive at the Voice of Prophecy Headquarters where they will be sorted and sent out to a local Bible School. If there's no Bible School available in the area, the Voice of Prophecy Headquarters Bible School will fully take care of the Bible Study request.

Enrollments Without Address: The benefit of these enrollments is that you can add a stamp or sticker with your church's PO BOX address, and these requests will come directly to you. If your church doesn't have a Bible School or a PO Box, we recommend that you use the enrollment cards with the VOP address. Your church can sign up for free to become a Discover Bible School and receive Bible Study enrollment requests, just contact us at or call (877) 955-2525

Our enrollment cards are ideally sized to be used in a "Take One" box that can be placed in businesses such as doctors' offices, laundromats, hotels, and bus stations. They also work well as a way to door-to-door community outreach. 

Click here to see the Bible Study lessons for this enrollment card.

Single Card