Walking Through the Bible With H. M. S. Richards - Devotional Paperback

Voice of Prophecy
SKU: WTB-P-801
Availability: 3 in stock
Walking Through the Bible With H. M. S. Richards - Devotional Paperback Book
Compiled by Kenneth W. Wilson.

A daily study of the Bible arranged in the order in which events happened.

H. M. S. Richards, Sr., the founder of the Voice of Prophecy radio broadcast, made it his habit to read the Bible from cover to cover at least once a year. Close friends and associates estimate that during his lifetime, Richards made the journey from Genesis to Revelation more than 100 times. You are invited to make the same inspirational journey in this re-issued classic, Walking Through the Bible With H.M.S. Richards.

Utilizing a special Bible-reading plan that takes you through God’s Word in the order in which events happened, you will find yourself immersed in a riveting daily drama that will profoundly bless your life. Supplemented with devotional commentary from the pen of Pastor Richards and occasional thoughts from the writings of Ellen G. White, this book of 365 daily readings/assignments will help you read the entire Bible in a year, and will open the door to a new relationship with its Author.

382 pages